Feedback And New Writing

I have been immensely pleased to receive some positive feedback, both here and at podiobooks. It has been a real boost. Especially the comments that people would like to hear more. It has helped me to confirm that I am on the right track with these stories.

As I have been struggling with editing the manuscript, with the intention of being able to send it to publishers/agents,  I am going to put The Spiral Tattoo aside for a while and start in earnest onto the second.

I have a rough idea for four stories. Having looked at the feedback, and talked about the rough outlines with Kylie, who is my narrator, editor [unpaid], and cheerleader,  I have decided to switch them around and advance number three  into number two position.

I don’t really have a set writing pattern yet, but for The Spiral Tattoo I wrote my best when I had a plan.  This then is my target for this week. Plan book two, as yet unnamed, and write chapter one and two. Going from previous experience, I should be able to finish this by the end of November. With December, January for editing I hope to have this second title ready for recording by February next year.

So Fursk and Gurt will be back… And you never know if we get really going it may be sooner than expected 🙂



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